Have you ever worked really hard on something, only to discover that you kind of want to be working on something else instead?
Before this summer, my long-term goal was to become a surface pattern designer and make all my income from art licensing, and I didn't even consider having a product-based business. I spent hours gathering company contacts and doing research, and spent even more hours making patterns and compiling a portfolio (which I am still very proud of). But this summer I started to pivot and my focus went from the virtual world of surface design to the material world of developing my own products.
But for me, this change was more easily said than done – emotionally as well artistically. I was, and still am, very attached to the work I have done towards the future I had envisioned as a surface designer, all those hours I spent working towards something I am no longer focusing on.
I have struggled to convince myself that those hours of work aren't wasted. I learned Photoshop! I made some amazing art! And I am still interested in surface design, even if it isn't my main course right now, and I am leaving that door open in case I want to come back to it. Nothing is out of the question.
The lesson I'm learning:
Don't eliminate options without reason, but also don't refuse changing course just because you can't stand to part with all the work you put into something.
What's pivoting in your life?